DESCRIPTION OF ELIXIR 6 - "Cinnabar river" - for menstrual problems
Ready-made herbal decoction - natural mixture of herbs - tablets
Radix Angelicae sinensis, Tuber Corydalis, Pollen Typhae,Radix Paeoniae rubrae, Cortex Cinnamomi, Olibanum,Tuber Curcumae aromaticae, Myrrha, Rhizoma Cyperi,Radix Glycyrrhizae praeparatae
Elixir "Cinnabar river" dissolves
blockages, helps blood flowing, warms lower abdomen
and thus eliminates pain. Extraordinary effect of the elixir is achieved by
addition of myrrh and incense, which not only stimulate the blood flow, but by
its ethereal action purifies women's surrounding and creates around her a
protective shield that does not allow any negative influences.
If menstruation starts during the usage of the decoction, you can take it
in without any problems.
Dosage: twice a day a cup of decoction before meal
Recommendation: suitable to take 3-4 days before
Instructions for preparing and recommendations for use - HERE
In the case of irregular menstrual cycle, a consultation with a therapist of Traditional Chinese Medicine is recommended to establish a regular cycle.
For more detailed and more profound descriptions of the recipes, see the
book The Path of the Empress: How to Free Your Feminine
Power published by Rockpool Publishing

Effects of individual herbs according to Traditional Chinese Medicine:
Angelicae sinensis - replenishes and invigorates blood, corrects menstruation,
stops pain
Corydalis - invigorates blood, relieves pain, puts "Qi" in motion
Typhae - puts blood in motion, expels clots, clutches
Paeoniae rubrae - expels clots, stops pain, cleans fire
Cortex Cinnamomi - replenishes "fire",
scatters cold, increases "yang", reduces "yin", stops pain,
heats and clears channels
Curcumae aromaticae - breaks blood stagnation, expels clots, puts
"Qi" in motion, stops pain
- invigorates blood, stops pain, reduces swelling, generates muscles
- invigorates blood, stops pain, reduces swelling, generates muscles
Cyperi - clears the liver, regulates "Qi", corrects menstruation, released
uneasiness, softens depression
Glycyrrhizae praeparatae - replenishes "Qi", mitigates ferocity,
scatters fire, moistens the lungs, eliminates toxicity, modulates the harsh
properties of other herbs